RE_LOVE Furniture
Melbourne VIC
PROJECT: Social Enterprise Refugee’s Settlement
YEAR: 2022
Client Research
Industry Research
Financial Planning
Business Development
Project Management
Create sustainable profit for social enterprises.
Provide jobs and regular income for new immigrants.
Provide training and institutional-approved certificates.
RE_LOVE furniture company is a teamwork project to create a social enterprise business model. The team selected Australian society's issues and challenges and collected in-depth information from primary and secondary research.
The team decided that Refugee settlement is one of the priority issues for Australia and around the world. There are many challenges for both sides, refugees and the government. The social enterprise business is to create sustainable solutions for this issue and develop environmentally friendly products.
RE_LOVE company developed the business model to re-buy used furniture and building materials and regenerate new products to distribute in the market.
The company hires new immigrants with language barriers, education, and financial difficulties. It provides training for linguistic and industry experiences, connecting with government educational institutions to get regular income and creditable qualifications.